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  • Protect your [Schools] with 

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

     Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else. 
    Request an appointment
  • Protect your [Facilities] with 

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

     Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else. 
    Request an appointment
  • Protect your [Warehouse] with

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

      Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else.          
    Request an Appointment
  • Protect your [Casino] with

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

      Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else.         
    Request an Appointment
  • Protect your [Retail] with

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

      Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else.  
    Request an Appointment
  • Protect your [Hospital] with

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

      Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else.  
    Request an Appointment
  • Protect your place of [Faith] with 

    our proactive alert system

    that’s always on the lookout.

     Instant alerts in an emergency. Real-time, visual tracking for everything else. 
    Request an appointment

Instant Alerts

Fully Customizable

Real-time monitoring

Small issues become big problems quickly with traditional alert systems.

Once an incident is underway, the clock starts ticking. If you’re like most businesses and schools, you’ve probably invested in a traditional alert system that has a reactive mechanism that deploys once an incident has occurred. These passive, one-size-fits-all alerts put your people and assets at risk, especially in situations where every second counts. 

We’re always watching for the unexpected so you can respond swiftly with certainty.

Whether you’re protecting assets at retail locations and warehouses or ensuring safety at a school, Meerkat’s alert system gives you the advantage of an early warning. Because our alerts are highly customizable, we’re able to calibrate to your organization’s monitoring and alert needs. As a result, you can get real-time information in the hands of the right resources quickly. 

This means less disturbance, fewer losses, and greater peace of mind.

Reduce the gap between alert and action so
you can react before the event.

Request an Appointment

Personalize your system with our comprehensive solution

In addition to our wearable watches, cards, and pendants, we offer 

a suite of products that are not only reactive, but predictive.

Strategically placed sensors monitor and report unusual activities, unauthorized access, environmental changes, or potential situations, whether or not a button is pressed.

Our control panel can be connected to other systems already in use, 

like door monitoring and cameras.

Build custom rules for both on-premise and external notifications, 

people or assets who should always or never be together, and 

hundreds of other customizations. 

Whatever the use case, we’re here to help you develop a solution to meet your unique needs.

  An assisted living facility often finds themselves in the tension of treating their residents with dignity and using safety measures effectively. Unlocked doors mean freedom for these residents but also pose a security or flight risk for some. Using Meerkat’s technology, they were able to install interior and exterior sensors to track the movements of staff and residents around the property. Should a specific resident leave the grounds, staff are alerted in real time, able to assess the situation and return them to their home without much fanfare.   

  A warehouse stores pallets of batteries before they are parsed and shipped to their final destinations. If damaged, these batteries can emit a gas that can cause an explosion to occur. Meerkat installed sensors that monitor these levels, among other critical data points, then connected to our proactive alert system. Our client now gets real-time, mapped alerts so they can find a disturbed pallet and address the situation before it becomes an explosive problem.   

  Responding to the new Alyssa’s Law, a school system in Texas utilizes Meerkat Technology to ensure teachers have wearable buttons to alert the right person to get help immediately. Because of the integrated sensors in the building, front office staff can track the teacher in real-time as the incident may follow them around the building. When emergency personnel arrive, they save valuable minutes in finding the situation so deescalation can occur as quickly as possible.   

Find out how our solution can be tailored to your use case

Schedule a Demo

Meet with our team so we can discuss how Meerkat can meet your monitoring and security needs. 

Install the Meerkat System

Our team will install your system, then tailor notifications to your specific needs and 
potential risks. 

Be proactive

  Feel confident you’ll be able to connect the right responders to the right situations as quickly and safely as possible.  

Precision meets protection in our solutions.

• React swiftly to incidents before they escalate

• Target notifications to specific teams or individuals

• Improve overall safety awareness and response times

• Monitor critical areas and assets in real time

• Customize alerts for every specific risk

Don’t gamble with your organization’s people 
or assets. Rely on Meerkat custom alerts for 
comprehensive monitoring.